Friday, December 21, 2012

Ram Singh Will Always be Ram Singh!!

I read in today's newspaper that Ram Singh is shamelessly unapologetic about what he has done, as per the police statement. For those readers who don't know who this person is, he is one of the perpetrators of the recent rape and brutal molestation of a 23 year old girl in a moving bus in Delhi. The girl has undergone a series of surgeries and by her willingness to live is fighting for her life. Now if you will ask, why it sparked so much nationwide protest and outrage when such cases happen daily, reported or unreported, then probably the answer would be the barbarism shown in this case by the criminals outclassed other cases of such ilk. This reflects so many things about male mentality in our society, which need to be deliberated upon. This post is an end result of the same deliberation.

We, The Men, in general, whether we accept or refute, have always been predominantly condescending and ill behaved towards women since the primitive times itself. We have imbibed this attitude from our forefathers over the centuries.The physical strength we possess made us believe that we are omnipotent among the genders. Go back to the 'earlyman' age, when humans had just food and shelter as the only need for survival,  men being physically strong used to go for hunting and women used to cook as that's what they both were capable of doing in best way possible, respectively, as per their capabilities & awareness. Also for shelter, it was the man himself, who actually erected the house of bamboo and grass for he only had the physical strength to do so between the two. These activities brought a sense of arrogance in us which translated into a very dangerous thought around - "Without us they can't survive". This further led to an enforced dominance of ours over our women to which they succumbed being the "PHYSICALLY" weaker gender and we started enjoying this power we were given with all the arrogance in this world ignoring the sheer existence of women, leave apart how they felt about this. 

As things moved on, all the "mighty" men of all the households got together and made the much required social structure, rules and practices but at the same time made sure that they don't lose out on the dominance and power they are commanding at  a given time, at the level of hierarchy they sit, in the society they are a part. This mentality gets reflected in our age old practices like caste system, dowry, girl leaving her house after marriage, accepting the family name of the boy's and host of other practices. Now since this thing has come up, I will quickly ask one question to girls of modern times out there - Why do you so readily change your family name (or even add the surname of your husband) after getting married? Two reasons - out of the love you share or the guy & his family force you to do so. Now if the reason is the former, how many times your guy has voluntarily offered to change or add your family name to his? Actually here it is important to know the mentality behind making this rule. The mentality was that hereonwards being a girl, you are not supposed to have your own identity, which you were having since your childhood. Because once I change your name, you will be a different person altogether. You will have lost the linkage to your childhood, the association with your parents, the life you have lived so far. You will feel weaker and dependent. So then you have to accept me as your savior. I will protect you and protect you from whom - the men of my breed who are out there to make you their prey. Ironical right? Heh!!! I'm trying to say just one thing to the fellow men out there that to make your wife accept you and your family and respect them, doesn't need changing her name and thus her identity. Love can't be enforced. The respect and love will come from the reciprocation on the part of you and her new family. I apologize for the digression here, though it wasn't one, I suppose.  

Now once these rules are framed using all our shrewdness & the practices are given  to the society to be followed, we started neglecting the very feeling of those who played an equally vital role in the existence of the society we were and are part of - our women. We made sure that we stop their upliftment for if they get aware and educated they might start questioning the undisputed supremacy of ours. Thankfully there were few angelic souls out there who dared to uplift their women and gave them importance and recognition they deserved. Its because of  such people I'm able to write this and there are sensitive, educated and aware men and women out there in this country. 

We men, stooped in our manly arrogance, need to understand one important thing here that a woman is created by the Almighty to bring life to this planet. How we exploit it ourselves is a different thing. The creation of a human happens inside a woman for which she has to go through few painful days of menstrual cycle in which she loses blood in the range of 35 mL to 80mL every month. With blood loss she suffers from the iron deficiency and apart from that host of other complexities in her body gets build up which God only has given her to make her conceive a new life. All these, she endures with an omnipresent smile just to make you feel happy. And we deem her weak. Damn we!!

So with respect to the points above, if we go on talking about "Rape", we see that it comes out of a culture, a value, a belief, a thought, an arrogance which has been inculcated in the rapist by his parents, relatives, family members, friends and society in which he has grown up since his childhood hence all these people would be called rapists, not alone him. Rape is a character. It can't be changed in a day or two by enforcement, light punishments, threats, candle light marches etc. It will take generations to change that character. It is an attitude change we are talking about here.

The key here is sensitization. It will be wrong to say that it comes from education alone. It is one of the ways. What is sought here is not a post graduate degree, as ironically the number of degrees don't bring sensibility and sensitivity in a person. Its just about the fact that whether you can leave your arrogance and self obsession behind and try to look at what others feel and think who live along with you. Learn to recognize their existence as they deserve the same love and respect that you do. There are uneducated families living out there who know how to respect their women. This proves this fact that it isn't education alone.

The need of this hour is law and order enforcement and able governance. Lets protest for that. Ram Singh can't be changed. He will always be Ram Singh. We just need to scare him and make him afraid so that he has to think 100 times before he goes on committing such beastly crime. Girls, there's simply no need to plead to men to treat you respectfully because those who don't, won't. And my dear "Sensitive Men", I would simply say that as God is not taking blood out of you every month, use that extra strength which you are gaining, to help women to exist respectfully as you do. Don't be a blind and deaf spectator.

Ram Singh, you better don't forget that a rod can be entered in you as well and if you don't change now, one of us will do that very soon to you and that will definitely be blatantly & mercilessly done, which your manhood won't be able to endure. Woe betide'!!


Arun M ........अ. कु. मिश्र said...

interesting - yes. though not agree with the analysis.

Suman nair said...

Very well written. An introspective blog for all those who revel in dominance and arrogance.