Friday, December 5, 2008

Responsibility - Not an Appendage to Education!! - Its a Realisation for the Good!!

The other day, when I was whiling away my time during the post lunch session, one of my office colleagues said "Dude!! Education is just not enough to change our country.....". I smiled and we dispersed with those words in my mind, to brood over later. I gave a thought and suddenly all the events started flashing in front of my subconscious mind.

A Consultant in Ernst and Young, driving a spanking new 'Accord', stuck in a traffic jam, honking incessantly, using all the sound energy HONDA has made it to generate - How much do you think this gentleman would have studied? Must had been an IIM or a good B School graduate!! Right?? Now with all his intellect inside, what was he trying to do actually, stuck between hundreds of cars, leading and trailing him? Can any of you explain me? Ahaaa!! Lemme guess then!! Perhaps he was trying to smash off the leading vehicles and clear the traffic by this cacophony. Sir!! Am I Right?? I would simply say that you are a complete jerk!!

Be it any queue, Railway reservation, Office Lunch Coupon, Movie Tickets, Vehicles on a busy road : I should be the first one to get the privilege, and I can go to any limit to seek the same. If it results in creating a mess around, I am least bothered. After all, I am the most insensitive person on this planet. I forget, that the Lord has made we humans, stand unique in the lot of animals since we are supposed to be more cultured, more organized and arranged - On the contrary we are in competition with each other in showing our barbarism, to this world. And remember!! We call ourselves educated. God save us!!

We often laugh our hearts out, while discussing that we love breaking rules. 'Rules are meant to be broken dude' - so much passion oozes out while uttering this small statement, isn't it? Rules are just some well documented list of formalities for us. We enjoy flouting them to an extent that we forget that one day it would fall back on us causing a vicious problem for one or many of us; and it always does. We call it an accident. Who's the cause? We, ourselves. Rules are always broken and when questioned - we give a simper and utter one of the most disgusting statement of the world - 'Sab chalta hai yaar'!! Hoardings say 'Please don't spit here!! Kindly use dustbins to dispose off the litter!! Help us make our city clean!!' Who cares man?? Come, lets start a competition who can make this city one of the filthiest place to live. Why can't we deem the places we visit, our own dwelling space? For our very homes, we have a set of rules defined, which we follow so religiously. Any flouting by our kids, can cost them one of the biggest reprimands they must have ever faced. Do we ever spit on our bed room floors? Can we do that? Why can't we do that? Because we live there, we have our comfort associated with it. If a guest happens to see the same, they would deem us some one very insensitive, very untidy and uncultured. Why not being more responsible towards your city, your country and more necessarily towards ourselves, that if a guest lands in our country, he has nothing to say except the flurry of words in appreciation for our nation and its beings. But what happens in reality, can be more appalling for a very few 'sensitive lot' of the society - The reality is that in Switzerland, the hoardings at the famous tourist spots are bound to say in HINDI - "Kripaya yahan gandagi na failayein" (Kindly don't litter this place) - This is the image of our people in their eyes. This is a sheer disgusting thing and not at all a thing to laugh on. Please, for God's sake!! Lets do something to redress this image.

Oh ya!! In complaints, we are the leaders. The human conscience does not allow us to complain if we are not playing our part in the improvement. We should understand a stark fact that a country consisting of 1.12 billion people cannot be managed by any damn government of this world. Start taking our own responsibilities - towards ourselves, towards our society, towards our city and thus towards our country. Redress ourselves first, in all terms. Play our part in improving our own life. In this process you would come across so many things which need to be corrected. Then no body can point fingers on you when you go to the administration, taking the list of complains you have and make the expectations. That would be the time when we will learn the importance of voting in real terms. We will vote because we have played our part in improving ourselves and thus our nation and now looking out for a worthy helping hand in the form of a good governance. We will know then, why we are voting and whom should we vote? We must understand one simple thing that ignorant and irresponsible citizens are bane to their country. Don't let ourselves be a load on our country; it's already overloaded my dear!!

Come lets bring the right attitude within us to redress our nation's lost image in the eyes of our guests. Lets play our part, feel our responsibility towards each and every action we do every day. Think before each step you take and its consequences. For ourselves, for the people with whom we are living and most importantly, for our very own beloved country.

In the words of Confucious -
"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."


Anonymous said...

It is really must to be accountable, but only for those who understand what exactly does it mean.

I mean we can not expect an uneducated driver to know what the noise pollution is (undoubtedly a well educated person must understand this). If you try to tell him, he will laugh at you, “I honk to avoid accidents, and do you want me to kill people”. Most probably that would be his answer.

In such case what we need is the education so that everybody can be familiar with what pollution is, what ozone layer and its depletion is. How they are disturbing environment by using kerosene instead of patrol in their vehicle to save few bucks, it has to be taught to them.

If you go on a highway in the morning, if a village comes you will see all of its population on the road, cleaning their teeth, body and abdomen, because according to them these are the things road is made for. Kids play there, Women take out their kitchen too. How we can expect them to keep it clean, it is already cleaner than their own house.

These are the scenarios where as a first thing we need education on the very basic level. After this comes the point of the responsibility of the educated people.

You are correct that no one can manage 1.2 billion people, we have to manage ourselves. We must feel socially responsible and help others to learn this. No B-School can teach us all this. People who understand need to follow and make others awake about this. Earth is very beautiful and so is our motherland, we should start bearing in mind it as our home and keep it fresh, clean and healthy by all the means.


Arun M ........अ. कु. मिश्र said...

Now I cought. And got the answer: ki albert pinto ko gussa kyo aata hai?