Thursday, October 8, 2009

'Sorry" - More than just a Word Said!

As I removed the wrapper from one of my favourite Cadbury's Fruit and Nut after lunch at 'Casa De Cha' and saw my watch, it said 5 minutes to 1. In the fear of missing the MLR class, which was going to start at 1, I hurriedly took out the chocolate and conjecturing the actual coordinates of the dust bin, tossed the blue cadbury paper towards it. As I turned back, grabbing the change from the restaurant manager, I saw my chocolate wrapper on the floor besides the trash box. The very next word which automatically came out of me was "Ohh...Sorry". A mate immediately asked me whom I said sorry to and gave a vociferous guffaw. This didn't happen for the first time to me. Very often I would be found being asked - "Sorry??? .. To whom buddy?" and every time I would smile and walk along. Did you ask me why don't I answer them? Oh C'mmon! If they could understand the reason, this question would not have been asked at the first place. Right?

You should apologize only when you feel that you have done something wrong - this is what a common philosophy is, isn't it? I am no loner. I too have the same thinking. Its just that what others feel is not wrong, is wrong for me and to an extent where I must say sorry as it puts a great impact on my identity as a sensitive and responsible human being. Every action of mine impacts some one or the other in different ways. The chocolate wrapper, not placed inside the dustbin, was littering the place I walk into very often. This was giving my foreign guests a wrong signal about our lifestyle. I feel every action of mine and weigh its consequences at each point. Be it the statement I make, the way I walk, the stances I take or the behaviour I display - I am answerable - thats my way of life. I thank my father to imbibe these values in me. I am happy that I am adding value to my existence in many ways.

Love me, love my dog :) - If you like it, adopt it.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Teacher's Day!

This post is dedicated to the teachers all over the country who have made me reach to where I am right now. Educating me all through and making me a nice human being. I express my gratitude, on this auspicious day dedicated to teachers, towards the sacrifices made by them in order to inculcate the right learnings, right attitude and right culture within me. A humble thanks to you my teacher for your invaluable contribution in my life. Wish you all a very Happy Teacher's Day! I am using the poem to express my heartfelt thankfulness to all my teachers - (Courtesy -

"If I could teach you, teacher,
I’d teach you how much more
You have accomplished
Than you think you have.
I’d show you the seeds
You planted years ago
That are now coming into bloom.
I’d reveal to you the young minds
That have expanded under your care,
The hearts that are serving others
Because they had you as a role model.
If I could teach you, teacher,
I’d show you the positive effect
You have had on me and my life.
Your homework is
To know your value to the world,
To acknowledge it, to believe it.
Thank you, teacher."
- Joanna Fuchs

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life Pursuits - Kabhi This, Kabhi That!!

I cleared my wallet today, tearing and disposing off those CCD bills, movie tickets and ATM receipts. It took me to the wonderful moments I used to be into few months back. That day, on 2nd June'09, as the guard waved the signal, he insinuated me to momentarily forget those comfortable and joyful days I was into, in the cyber city. But I couldn't stop myself doing so. I gaped at the New Delhi railway station, receding in size. The trees, the farms, the electric poles, the waving kids - all bidding me good bye with a mysterious smile. I had no option but to reply with a grin. It was a self chosen change for me which, at that moment, was not at all pleasing. I was deliberating hard on my decisions. I was leaving all those wonderful moments lived there with people whom I loved to be with. Those people had become a part of my life. I still believe the fact that it's the people who make the place worth living and not the place by itself. This is the reason, a city like Gurgaon -which has nothing as such to offer, except a spectacle of a concrete jungle which I used to detest badly - has become one of the nicest places I have ever visited in my life so far.

After around 2 and a half months from this journey as I write this from Goa Institute of Management, where I am currently in, to pursue my PG course of 2 years, I find myself confused and indecisive. Confused by instincts, confused by my desires, confused by my purpose in life. Does someone really think that he or she has just a single objective in life? If someone says so, I refute it outrightly. Ok, let me put it this way which might sound a bit cliched - At any point of time, you have an aim in your life, you run for it badly. You think about it day and night. You put your best efforts to achieve it. But what once you get it? There's another greed to run after. Another short term objective to target for. Another milestone to reach and before we actually realise what we want from our life, it becomes too late. Am I being too philosophical? Ammm!! I dunno. Perhaps Yes.

This is not the first time that someone is writing all these stuffs, many have written it in various forms numerous times. What is the thing to note about here is do we really deliberate on these aspects? Aah. Ya I heard your synchronous NOs. You know what, I left those back, whom I value the most and whom I don't know whether I would be able to meet again in my life. I really doubt that by March' 2011 when I would be leaving this place, I would be content. May be or May be not. Aah, c'mon. Lets move now - wasn't this what you all wanted to say to me. See, I guessed that. :)

I have to stop all this nonsense as the coming Monday is showing its scary face studded with Externalities Theory underlying in the "Congestion Charges in Central London" and the works of B.F. Skinner in the concepts of Organizational Behaviour and loads of other stuffs. I sign off here with yet another short term plan - an obligation that I have to meet and not the purpose I have to achieve in life. Take care all. May God gives us the sanity to achieve the state of self realisation. Lollzzz :)